Mar 25, 2019
With March Madness right around the corner, I couldn’t help but think about how the teams that get to The Big Dance have just the right mix of game-winning strategies – sort of like the components that go into creating and managing a successful event app!  To make your event app a slam dunk, you need to consider some key factors that can make it a winning success. Here are the top tips event organizers should consider as they put together a game plan for winning over their attendees, sponsors and exhibitors!  The Coach Make sure the right person on your team is leading the event app effort… more
Mar 19, 2019
Throughout 2019 this space is dedicated to strategically aligning yourself to your goals and creating a plan to achieve them. Your life goals can be attained the same way strategic events are achieved; by following this five step strategic plan. And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense, because isn’t life the ultimate event? January focused on stretching beyond comfort zones, getting out of our own way, being willing to take risks and do the work required to accomplish it. February was about visualizing what you imagine when you think to the future and picture your ‘successful’… more
Mar 11, 2019
As any experienced event planner knows, solid registration and housing solutions are integral to running a good meeting.  An online registration system is standard for even the most casual B2B gatherings with out-of-town guests, and most organizers secure hotel room blocks and discounts for their guests. Yet depending on your event tech setup, your registration and housing data may live in entirely different silos – and this can have a huge impact on how your attendees experience the event. Some registration providers hand off hotel reservations and room block management to another company… more
Mar 06, 2019
One of the attributes of the live events business that draws people to want to be part of it is its dynamism, its constant change. Event planners, vendors, and others involved in the industry thrive on the fast pace and endless evolution of new trends, technology, and practices. It's not a sit-at-your-desk-during-business-hours kind of role. Event professionals crave travel, adventure, and the adrenaline rush that comes from producing an extraordinary experience for attendees. It is a lot to keep up with. Event pros are bombarded with new ideas and information on a daily basis. How can you… more
Feb 27, 2019
Thanks to technology, the trade show space continues to evolve. From digital mapping and augmented reality to IoT and predictive analytics, event marketers have a plethora of tools at their disposable to make their events more impactful than ever. While significantly less flashy than an immersive VR environment at your booth, one tried and true way to impact the ROI of your event is through strategic events and meetings.  Whether they include engagements between executives, subject matter experts, prospects, customers or analysts, strategic meetings help drive business forward. Strategic… more
Feb 25, 2019
Planning a corporate party can seem like a tedious task, from hours of planning, to creating a personalized budget for a successful outcome. But many companies host special events or parties either in conjunction with existing events or as standalone celebrations to show appreciation for customers, partners and employees. Corporate events foster your company’s business relationships with clients, customers, employees, and associates. They create a platform to launch new products, allow better employee interaction, increase customer retention rate, create a space for networking and strengthen… more
Feb 21, 2019
Each month in 2019 this space is focusing on how to take strategic steps to make this the year of YOU. It doesn’t matter if your New Year’s Resolutions are a thing of the past. Each morning you get a new day to accomplish something. So instead of focusing on what you haven’t done, let’s stay on track and set a goal for today. Last month we laid out a roadmap putting behaviors in place to clear a path to your destination. But as Yogi Berra once said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re never going to get there.” Setting goals sounds easy; you can likely rattle off a list of things… more
Feb 18, 2019
Thanks to technology, the trade show space continues to evolve. From digital mapping and augmented reality to IoT and predictive analytics, event marketers have a plethora of tools at their disposable to make their events more impactful than ever. While significantly less flashy than an immersive VR environment at your booth, one tried and true way to impact the ROI of your event is through strategic events and meetings.  Whether they include engagements between executives, subject matter experts, prospects, customers or analysts, strategic meetings help drive business forward. Strategic… more
Feb 13, 2019
Events are one of the best ways for businesses to showcase products, promote services and increase brand awareness, and one of the key advantages of event marketing is the ability to provide attendees with something memorable to link back to you. However, as we all know, organizing events can be extremely complicated and time consuming — and that is especially true for startups and small businesses. For example, an event marketer might need to research potential venues, hire expert speakers, organize catering, transport equipment, process payments and build an event team. This can be a lot to… more
Feb 06, 2019
If the past several years go down as “The Era of Acquisitions” in event tech, 2019 and beyond just may become known as “The Era of the Niche Solutions.” We’ve all watched as smaller event tech companies were snapped up by a few big names, as the massive end-to-end platforms expanded to deliver the ever-elusive Holy Grail; the all-in-one stop for event planners. Yet Corbin Ball of Corbin Ball Associates recently pointed out that we have to look at another trend happening concurrently in our industry — toward small, nimble companies pulling in best-in-class providers to build event-specific… more
Partner Voices
  MGM Resorts is renowned for its exceptional service and diverse venue options across Las Vegas, Detroit, Springfield, National Harbor, Biloxi, and Atlantic City, providing flexible spaces for meetings of any size. Beyond these offerings, MGM Resorts distinguishes itself through a strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, making it an ideal choice for your next meeting.  At the core of MGM Resorts' company values is its platform, "Focused on What Matters," dedicated to meeting customer needs while advancing socially responsible practices. This commitment is evident more