Dec 15, 2020
You’ve undoubtedly been hearing a lot lately – and not just in this space – about the COVID-19 pandemic giving rise to something often described as the Zoom Era. Virtual events, you see, have been a necessary function of maintaining public health, social distancing and general decorum. Whether it’s a work meeting, symposium, classroom or concert, we’ve all been dutifully doing our part to suck it up, hunker down and log on. For now. But there’s an implication weaved into that outlook – an assumption that we’ll soon go back to the way things were. We’re here to tell you: Don’t hold your… more
Dec 03, 2020
As 2020 draws to close, COVID-19-weary event planners are looking towards a fresh start, a reboot for 2021. Whether planning for a conference, meeting or trade show, there are plenty of things to do beforehand to let your guests know they are walking into a clean and healthy environment. While there is no silver bullet, keeping proper cleaning protocols in place will help keep your event safe and secure. Clean is not only the new cool, it is critical for success. Reducing the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by cleaning and disinfecting is an important part of reopening that will require careful… more
Nov 24, 2020
Imagine an events ecoysystem where speakers can present remotely via engaging holograms. Where online events can have unlimited attendees and virtual reality can transport those attendees to unexpected and immersive environments. Where brands can geolocate customers at an event, make relevant recommendations based on their past buying behaviors, and distribute hyper-personalized content every step of the way. 5G technology will soon make it all possible. With ultra-low latency, massive network capacity, and superior reliability, 5G — the fifth generation mobile network — is poised to… more
Nov 18, 2020
Now that the novelty of online and virtual events has worn off a bit, organizations are looking for new ways to keep their audiences engaged. Many are turning to a perhaps unexpected source for inspiration: Hollywood. It makes sense when you think about it — Hollywood knows how to tell a good story, and their stars are engaging. Plus, they know how to keep their audiences coming back for more, and that is pretty much what every company wants, no matter the specifics of their business objectives. Engaging with virtual audiences is easier than it might seem — and the approach works for both… more
Nov 11, 2020
When Covid-19 hit and dashed all travel plans, the scholarly community saw a wave of conference cancellations and a rapid scramble to virtual formats. Nine months down the line (and with another wave of the virus bearing down in many countries) it has become increasingly clear that conferences will not be returning to their pre-Covid formats any time soon. This is the new normal, one that offers a rare opportunity to reframe the traditional conference format and create better, more inclusive ways to bring the scholarly community together. Looking ahead, we strongly believe that a hybrid… more
Nov 06, 2020
with modern technology, it has become easier than ever to create online events. Event planning, whether in-person or digital, requires many of the same processes. Luckily, event planners are notoriously resilient folk and take the new paradigm in stride. Virtual events are opportunities for people, connected by common interests, to share their thoughts, ideas, knowledge and opportunities. The best virtual events will find a way to capture this and celebrate it — and you can do this effectively by using a social wall. Here’s how. Bring Social Into Your Virtual Events  A major draw of… more
Oct 30, 2020
If your event has a trade show component and you're shifting it online, make sure to focus on your exhibitors. While virtual events are a new format for almost all the stakeholders involved, exhibitors in particular may be apprehensive about this change. It is important you convey to them, that regardless of where you host the event, they will get the same return on investment.   Here’s how you can live up to that promise: Customizable Exhibitor Booths  Enable your exhibitors to create highly personalized professional profiles on your virtual event platform. In the absence of physical… more
Oct 20, 2020
It’s become increasingly apparent that we, as a society, should level-set our expectations for a post-COVID world. While a vaccine may be available as early as this winter (or even sooner), it is unrealistic to believe a vaccine will be the elixir that immediately returns life to normal. Realistically, we’re going to have to manage the lasting results of this pandemic over at least the next two to three years. This means, we can expect years of smaller, more localized flare-ups, which will be preventable or can be contained with high levels of adherence to basic social distancing precautions… more
Oct 13, 2020
If we’re keeping score from home, it sure seems like 2020 is winning. On the heels of record-breaking travel and tourism numbers in calendar year 2019 — when, per VISA Analytics & Consulting, our industry was on pace to generate $1 trillion annually by 2025 — travel as we know it has come to a screeching halt for the bulk of this year, as indicated by some of tourism’s foremost data authorities: Tourism and hospitality represents a little more than 10 percent of the total work force, but it also represents 40 percent of ALL non-essential jobs lost since the pandemic began (Source:… more
Oct 08, 2020
The hospitality and events industry is always changing, forcing properties to consistently adapt in order to stay current. In March, when most of the world was placed on pause, adapting took on a whole new definition, especially when it comes to the food and beverage industry. So what will food and beverage look like at meeting and convention venues once we’re back to hosting live events again? Here are a few changes that food and beverage is likely to experience in our new normal: Added Safety Many venues have adopted a contact-free set up that minimizes the risk of COVID-19 by reducing… more
Partner Voices
  MGM Resorts is renowned for its exceptional service and diverse venue options across Las Vegas, Detroit, Springfield, National Harbor, Biloxi, and Atlantic City, providing flexible spaces for meetings of any size. Beyond these offerings, MGM Resorts distinguishes itself through a strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, making it an ideal choice for your next meeting.  At the core of MGM Resorts' company values is its platform, "Focused on What Matters," dedicated to meeting customer needs while advancing socially responsible practices. This commitment is evident more