Feb 22, 2022
If you’re proposing a hybrid event to co-workers, senior management or an association board, it’s essential to outline all the benefits. With the right event objectives, budget, audience and platform, hybrid events deliver on more than just eyeballs. Savings: Hybrid events can expand the global audience of an event without commensurately expanding the budget. In other words, if you want to add more attendees to your live event, it typically costs more in physical infrastructure (meeting space, transportation, food and beverage) than it costs to add the same number of attendees virtually. … more
Feb 15, 2022
After nearly two years of COVID-19, and with the Omicron variant still spreading, there is a clear shared desire to move on. While there is currently no “going back” to the way things were in 2019 and before, as our habits, technologies and approaches have evolved across the industry, there is still an optimism that in-person events will come back on some level.  When looking at just three of the many live events that took place in January, there are a lot of takeaways to be found. For example, CES 2022 still occurred, despite a reduction in total attendees. We saw new innovations in booth… more
Feb 08, 2022
With many teams having been remote for much of the past two years, the morale of working from home has easily created a disconnect between colleagues and managers, on and off the screen. As we roll back into more in-person meetings, workshops and conferences, event planners are having to strategically plan while keeping safety in mind.   While safety is always a priority, so is the need to build relationships within their organizations. Team-building exercises are the foundation of a healthy workforce and have been proven effective in boosting the bottom line. When colleagues get to know one… more
Feb 02, 2022
There’s been a lot of talk lately about the use, or misuse, of QR code data by marketers. It’s a valid argument, albeit familiar, in the context of data privacy. Most people are aware that QR codes aren’t new, but they are back in the spotlight. This is due to a variety of reasons, the top ones being the acceleration of QR codes during the pandemic and the eventual dissolution of third-party cookies. Throughout the pandemic, QR codes proved to be the easiest way to conduct touchless transactions such as ordering food or paying a bill. Now, they’re a primary way for managing how attendees… more
Jan 25, 2022
In my blog post Can Events Be Sustainable In a Post-Pandemic World?, I talked about the many ways event planners can continue to follow green practices in a safe and sanitary way. But now that you know you can still plan green events, you may be wondering: should you? With many guests feeling anxious about attending their first meetings after the shutdown, you might be concerned about how guests will perceive your green programs. Will having a visible green program seem insensitive to attendees? Will it give the impression you’re not putting enough effort into health and safety? You may… more
Jan 18, 2022
We are seeing the “Great Resignation” take hold, as employees are suddenly realizing they have more options and are demanding better lives for themselves and their families.  Commutes are out the window in favor of remote work arrangements, as many employees can now conduct their jobs from anywhere, and cities are being forsaken for suburban and even rural areas, with key buying priorities changing from the transport links to the Wi-Fi strength.  I kept this in mind when a remote working opportunity presented itself, and I moved from the hustle and bustle of Washington, D.C. to relatively… more
Jan 11, 2022
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, most individuals and businesses couldn’t imagine hosting an event with in-person and remote attendees. According to a recent survey by the Global Business Travel Association, however, three out of five respondents expected to host at least one hybrid meeting in 2021. This major shift underscores the importance of a solid content strategy for hybrid events. Everyone is craving more information in a world of quick hits and short bits of knowledge, so your event content needs to stay on message and to the point. At the start of the pandemic, event hosts tried to… more
Jan 04, 2022
Viva, in various languages, means long live, acclaim, support, live voice and more. I couldn’t think of a better word to describe the sentiment internationally around the industry—especially in these last few weeks. For nearly two years, the events industry has been changed dramatically due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, due to new protocols of vaccination, masking and more, live events are coming back, and November 9-11 saw the first major international conference in nearly two years with IMEX America 2021 in Las Vegas, attended by more than 15,000 event professionals. Carina Bauer, CEO of… more
Dec 20, 2021
Professionals have valued in-person events as a reliable way to make connections and network—and 68% of marketers say it’s hard to offer those opportunities in a virtual world. This challenge presents a massive opportunity, with 66% of event planners calling out the need to learn how to design digital event experiences for the future. An Allied Market Industry Research forecast predicts that the event industry will reach nearly $1.553 billion by 2028. The shift to virtual and hybrid events will help drive the anticipated 11.2% of compound annual growth between 2021 and 2028. As we look… more
Dec 13, 2021
The world of corporate events was moving along quite nicely until the advent of COVID-19. But ever-versatile, the industry went online and survived virtually. Now, slowly but surely, in-person events are starting to grow again.  However, it appears that Pandora does not go so quietly back into the box. By all accounts, 73% of event planners believe that virtual and hybrid events are here to stay, even after COVID-19.  The nature of these events are still finding their best form and certainly have their flaws. But one of the brightest answers so far has been satellite events.  What Is a… more
Partner Voices
  MGM Resorts is renowned for its exceptional service and diverse venue options across Las Vegas, Detroit, Springfield, National Harbor, Biloxi, and Atlantic City, providing flexible spaces for meetings of any size. Beyond these offerings, MGM Resorts distinguishes itself through a strong commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, making it an ideal choice for your next meeting.  At the core of MGM Resorts' company values is its platform, "Focused on What Matters," dedicated to meeting customer needs while advancing socially responsible practices. This commitment is evident more