Vsef Makes New Versions of Standards Guides for Event Data Available for Download and Implementation

Responding to the event industry’s need for a standardized data structure and communications protocol for digital, in-person and hybrid events, global assurance provider BPA Worldwide announced that versions 2.0 of the VSef (Virtual Standard Export Format) Standards Guide and VSef API Standards Guide are now available to download, review and implement.
VSef, which was acquired by BPA Worldwide in September 2022, is a data file reporting format designed to streamline the collection and exchange of data within the events industry by establishing standard data structures and common naming conventions across event technology platforms. BPA has oversight of the VSef standards and certifies organizations’ compliance with the guidelines.
Once the VSef standards have been successfully implemented and validated, participating platforms will receive the VSef Compliance seal that can be used in sales and marketing materials, as well as a listing on the VSef website.
“The consistency that the VSef Standards provide will allow for efficient data acquisition, aggregation, processing, sharing and reporting within companies and across the industry,” said Richard Murphy, president and CEO of BPA Worldwide. “VSef establishes the standards for a range of key event metrics and engagement KPIs, and how those data points should be formatted for easy transfer between systems.”
VSef data is made up of three core data types:
- Metadata: Aggregate data about the event
- Individual participant data: Data about the event experience of individual participants of all types including (but not limited to) delegates, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and any other individual users present at the event
- Individual company data: Collective data about the experience of sponsors and exhibitors in relation to the event (sponsor is used to refer to both sponsoring and exhibiting companies)
To download the Vsef Standards Guide 2.0, click here.
In addition, the VSef API Standards Guide provides requirements, formatting specifications, naming conventions and a template outline for event platforms to create VSef-compliant API endpoints, as well as setting rules on how to implement these endpoints. The VSef API Standards Guide is designed to ensure efficient and consistent data access and sharing across all VSef-compliant virtual event platforms.
To download the VSef API Standards Guide 2.0, click here.
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