Digital Summit To Address Biggest Challenges for Event Organizers This Fall

Event producers wanting to know the most important issues they’ll be facing over the next six months will want to check out the fall season schedule for Digital Summit, a live virtual information exchange series kicking off Sept. 11.
Produced, hosted and facilitated by Sam Lippman, president and founder of Lippman Connects, the upcoming series will feature seven 90-minute live video chat sessions via Zoom. Held on Fridays between 2:00–3:00 p.m. ET, the forward-thinking discussions feature up to 20 event executives, managers and seasoned professionals sharing user experiences, discussing emerging best practices and unpacking relevant industry developments.
According to Lippman, topics for the fall season were decided by more than 4,000 leading executives, managers and professionals who were surveyed to provide their input about what they believed to be the industry’s most relevant, urgent issues.
“When the industry speaks, we listen,” Lippman said. “That’s reflected in the fact that in post-event surveys, 96 percent of Digital Summit clients agreed [the event] was worth their time. It’s also reflected in the fall season line-up.”
Digital Summit’s fall sessions will cover the following:
Sept. 11
Pricing exhibits, sponsorships, and registration for hybrid and virtual events
Sept. 18
Next generation marketing: Attendee acquisition for hybrid and virtual events
Oct. 2
Demonstrating ROI from hybrid and virtual events for exhibitors and sponsors
Oct. 9
New sponsorships and features that increase engagement between attendees and exhibitors/sponsors
Oct. 23
Producing cost-effective and productive in-person events during a pandemic
Oct. 30
Workshopping in-person event business models
Nov. 6
Out with the old: Sales policies and tactics geared to the COVID-19 era
As a CAE Approved Provider of an educational program related to the CAE exam content outline, the Digital Summit sessions may be applied for 1.5 credits toward a CAE application or renewal professional development requirements.
The registration fee for Digital Summit is $135 each session, or three or more for $100 each. Subscriptions may be shared within the same organization. To register, go here.

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